Sunday, March 3, 2013

We're Not Alone

 When Ambree was a few months old while shopping at Sam's Club a middle aged couple approached me, admiring Ambree.  I am always uneasy as strangers approach and engage in conversation centered around Ambree.  It makes me anxious as I know that infamous question "Is she your only?" will follow.  As you may already know, I vowed to always acknowledge Larissa and recognize her as a part of our family.  So, with some hesitation I told these strangers that Ambree is our second as we lost our firstborn at birth.  I only hesitate as death is an uncomfortable topic and infant death is truly taboo.

 However, this couple began to spill their hearts out to me as well noting that they have several grandchildren but that their son and daughter in-law were expecting a very special bundle.  They too, lost their firstborn as he was born prematurely and fought for his little life for in excess of thirty days.  The tears streamed down these strangers faces as they shared their story in the otherwise empty aisle of Sam's Club.  I felt their pain...truly felt their pain and unlike those whom have not walked in our shoes I didn't gape at these strangers with horror thinking "I can't even imagine." I know all too well the pain this couple has endured. 

It's an incomprehensible pain to lose a child.  Those whom have never endured such pain feel maybe in my situation its a little less painful as we never brought Larissa home.  However, she's our baby.  A lifetime of dreams and milestones for our little girl were taken away as we sadly had to say goodbye.  And I know I'm not alone.  All too often on the daily news you hear of a baby or child taken much too soon from this life in a fire and/or accident.  I watch those stories as the journalist interviews family members and all I think is "I feel your pain."  Sometimes people complain about aging and/or old age and my friend recently shared a quote with me, which basically stated to not complain about aging as it is a privilege denied to many.  That's so very true.  Larissa never even took a breath outside of the womb.  She never got to enjoy life.  Nothing...she got nothing.  And sadly, I am not alone as many of you reading this post know firsthand the pain of losing a child and we are not alone...